Shannon Connell

I started teaching yoga professionally in 2001 after years of transformation and healing from the practice. I knew that if yoga could help me then it will help others too, and I wanted to be a part of that! My experience in sharing yoga includes and extends beyond the yoga studios with teaching in medical and psychiatric facilities, group home, educational, collegiate, and corporate environments, and in retreats, teacher training, and online.

I am certified to teach Vinyasa, Power, Hot, Yin, Restorative, and Jivamukti yoga. My most influential teachers are my parents, my own practice/life, David Life and Sharon Gannon, the co-founders of Jivamukti yoga.

My interests in Reiki sparked when I began teaching yoga and over the course of 5 years of study and initiation, I certified as a traditional Usui and non-traditional Karuna Reiki Master Teacher. I have been leading certification trainings ever since, and working as a Reiki practitioner.

My love of learning and clarity for my life’s work inspired my graduate school studies. I completed my MS in Health Psychology where I focused my research on mindfulness, cognitive behavioral change, psychoneuroimmunology, stress and coping, neuroscience, and positive psychology. My studies qualified me for Psychotherapy licensure.

Post graduate school I studied and worked for Dr. Gabriel Cousens at The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center. I learned a lot about cellular regeneration, healing and detoxification through Organic RawFoods nutrition, and I got to experience my passion for organic food cultivation working on the community farms. I love to give my body organic raw and vegan foods, and to support clients with cleansing and recipe ideas, etc.

I have always had a sense of adventure! I have learned a lot from the elements and the human body working as a raft, kayak, and climbing guide, wildland firefighter, EMT, and Ski Patrol. I have lived in several conscious communities, and devoted a year of service to the domestic peace corps, AmeriCorps *NCC.

I share more of my life lessons and the ancient, but oh so hip, teachings of yoga, Reiki, etc. in my book, The Alchemy of Yoga: A Psychology Akin to Magic.


MS in Health Psychology, Psychotherapist

Certified Vinyasa, Power, Hot, Yin, Restorative, and Jivamukti Yoga Instructor

Certified Usui and Karuna Reiki Master Teacher

Functional Medicine Nutritional Counselor

2022/2023 Intentions

Embrace the power of collaboration in an effort to enhance my professional goals and the outcomes of my clients.

Self-Publish and Sell my Book: The Alchemy of Yoga: A Psychology Akin to Magic

Connect with Shannon

Shannon’s First Book Release: The Alchemy of Yoga: A Psychology Akin to Magic

Wellnest Packages

The Alchemy of Yoga: A Psychology Akin to Magic

Book Release from Shannon Connell: The Alchemy of Yoga: A Psychology Akin to Magic 

In this course, you receive a 220 page printable copy of Shannon’s first book that we coin “The Resource”.  Shannon shares the recipe of Alchemy and how the practice of yoga bridges God’s creativity and love into reality through you. This ReSource is a guide of the soul’s path towards consciousness and a “how to” in co-creation.

Purchase of this package offers you the downloadable ReSource for printing and or lifetime access to this entire course and its contents via the KEE Wellness Collective hosting site.  Shannon is providing bonus material in this course that includes: An On Demand Practice of Mantra, an On Demand Practice of Pranayama: Breathing Exercises, and One Thirty Minute Level 1 Yoga Class so you can experience the Power of Yoga with Shannon, first hand. 

Shannon loves sharing the science of yoga as a psychology and as a possible solution to our global disconnection, health, environmental, spiritual and social crises. It inspires Waking UP to how profound this life as a human truly is.

As an attempt to decode the ancient yogic and biblical scriptures, Shannon’s goal is to inspire and motivate you as the reader to come to peace.

In this book, Shannon shares all the secrets she has learned over her decades of study in Life Experience, Yoga, Reiki, Psychology, Nutrition, Mindfulness, Spirituality, and more! Shannon shares the profound experiences of studying with some of the centuries best teachers to help you unlock the magic and joy of life for yourself. This resource is an experiential education manual to assist the reader in positive perceptional shifts for a greater understanding of the soul. In-Joy!


Shannon Connell, CRMT, RYT, Registered Psychotherapist

FB: Shannon Connell Boulder, Colorado
IG @shannonconnellhealth

Certification Trainings with Shannon Connell

Wellnest Packages

Reiki Level 1 Certification Training

Reiki is the expression of various aspects of The Universal Energy. All Be-ings and All-things are energy moving through and experiencing form. The Human energy system has multiple levels, truths, perspectives, and misunderstandings based on conditioning. Reiki assists in healing the physiological, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies by amplifying, healing, and balancing. Reiki is an inherent part of every one of us. Traditional Reiki was developed in the Orient during the late 1800s by Mikao Usui, who was questioned by his students as to how Jesus was able to do miraculous healings. Thus began Usui’s research into Sanskrit, Buddhism, Christianity, Theology, and the Path to Enlightenment. The lineage of Reiki can be initiated through the attunement and chakra cleansing process that is passed from Reiki Master Teacher to initiate through attunement ceremonies, education, and the revelation of the ancient Reiki symbols.

Reiki energy has an intelligence and lineage far beyond human knowledge. It is a system that is taught in a succession of classes/levels to allow the inductees an opportunity to fully integrate the new frequencies of energy they are learning to channel. If all levels were taught without allowing the 21-day chakra cleansing cycle the bodies; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual would not sync properly. It is important to allow the bodies time to assimilate the knowledge, download the vibrations, and mentally process new perceptions, and life experiences.

Supplemental practices: Yoga, Mantra, Meditation, etc. have been added to support you throughout this training and the Reiki Attunement.

Energetic Exchange: $555

Reiki: Level One Outline

  • Introduction to the energy frequencies of Reiki, how it feels, and is transferred
  • History of Reiki, learn the traditional techniques of Mikao Usui, as well as many other wisdom techniques to enhance the Reiki healing experience
  • Ethics in ESP
  • Experience how Reiki energy feels before and after attunements
  • Attunement to channeling and transferring Reiki energy
  • Learn and practice hand positions for self treatments, and hour-long treatment sessions on others
  • Learn and practice techniques for increased self-awareness and healing
  • Introduction into the human energy system, Chakras, Auras, etc.
  • Learn and practice scanning, beaming, clearing, and grounding the Aura
  • Learn the Reiki Power Symbol and its uses
  • Activation of level one 21-day chakra cleansing cycle
  • Supplemental Practices of yoga, breathing techniques, and the practice of mantras
  • Receive your Reiki Level 1 practitioner certificate
Wellnest Packages

Reiki Level 2 Certification Training

Wellnest Packages

Reiki Master Certification Training

Yoga with Shannon: Full Courses

Wellnest Packages

Yoga with Shannon: Intermediate/Advanced Course

Enjoy this Intermediate/Advanced Yoga with Shannon Course that Includes:

4 Educational Wellness with Shannon Videos

9 Vinyasa Style Yoga Courses

2 Bonus Courses:

25 minute Core Workout

60 minute Hot Yoga Class

Wellnest Packages

Yoga with Shannon: Mixed Yoga Course 2

Wellnest Packages

Yoga with Shannon-Level 1 Course

Yoga with Shannon-Level 1 Course

3 Educational /Informative Videos
9 Level 1 Comprehensive Vinyasas
3 Yin Yoga Classes

Wellnest Packages

Yoga with Shannon: Mixed Level Yoga Course

Wellnest Packages

Power Yoga Course

Power Yoga Course with Shannon

4 Educational Videos 

2 60 Minute Level 2 Power Yoga Classes

 2 60 Minute Level ⅔ Power Yoga Classes

2 60 Minute Level 3 Power Yoga Classes

1 30 Minute Power Yoga Class

1 25 minute Core workout

Yoga with Shannon: Mini Courses

Wellnest Packages

Yoga with Shannon: Level 1 Mini Course

Wellnest Packages

Yoga with Shannon: Mini Intermediate/Advanced Course


3 60 minute Vinyasa Flows

1 Bonus Level 1 Gentle Yoga

3 Educational/Informational Videos




Wellnest Packages

Power Yoga Mini Course

Power Yoga Mini Course with Shannon

4 Educational Videos 

1 60 Minute Level 2 Power Yoga Classes

 1 60 Minute Level ⅔ Power Yoga Classes

1 60 Minute Level 3 Power Yoga Classes

Wellnest Packages

Yoga with Shannon-Mini Mixed Level Course

Yoga with Shannon: Yin Yoga

Wellnest Packages

Yoga with Shannon: Mini Course- Yin Yoga

Four Intro and Education Videos

Four Yin Yoga Classes

1 Gentle Yoga Class

Wellnest Packages

Yoga with Shannon: Yin Yoga Course

Yoga with Shannon: Yin Yoga Course

3 Educational Videos
7 Yin Yoga Classes
1 Gentle Yoga Class

Yoga with Shannon: 30 Minute Courses

Wellnest Packages

30 Minute Yoga Mini Course

Wellnest Packages

30 Minute +Plus+ Yoga Practice Course- Mixed Levels and Styles

Three Intro and Education Videos

One 30 Minute Yin Yoga Classes

One 25 Minute Core Power Workout

One 30 Minute Gentle Yoga Class

One 30 Minute Vinyasa Level 2 Yoga Class

One 30 Minute Vinyasa Level 3 Yoga Class